Holly Cow I saw myself with pieces of each of these types of women! LOL I don't judge people ....or easily, let say. I did enjoy your portrayal and well, we are all human with a mosaic of characteristics, those you mentioned and more. But you need to write a book...an encyclopedia, even though they are almost extinguished. I did have a good time reading your article. The ones that read it and reacted with bad comments, please chill out. This is a platform to write, we are not being paid by anyone but we have this freedom to say what is in our minds. Life is what you make of it. Relax and just have fun with what you read. It is unreal to take a 4 mins read as the ultimatum offense, please. If you don't like it, just say "I did not like it" nobody hurts. I did like it because it was light and funny. Keep doing what is in your mind. It is the only way we get better and find our call on what really matters for us to write about. You take care.