Very good and straight forward article, I am learning from how to be concise and informative. On another note, the police system is needed. I have witnessed many times the double standard based on the person's race. I am Latina. I have experienced some discrimination looks. What it throws the cops off on me is that I am white-skin. But I do see their looks as if they are mentally thinking I could be or not, Mexican. But leaving my experience aside, it is true that there are bad apples everywhere. The fear to intervene to do the right thing is latent. One time at work, few years ago, I intended to march in downtown Chicago to pacifically demonstrate my point on immigration. And my boss told me not to take a PTO date for that. If it was going to be televised it might not look good at the corporate level. Needless to say I felt that if I had chosen to go, I might lose my job. I have a son depending on me. A car to pay. A mortgage to pay. A father to assist. I feared to be let go. I did not go to the pacific protest. This is a bit of out of context, but you get my point. I do believe in the cops, in the system. I know there is work to restructure the whole working machine that represents. Is not about faking to be good when they have body cameras. Is more about truly joining the service to actually serve, not to demoralize people. Not to make us fear them. Not to make them superior. I don't believe in defunding them but more to seriously get rid of the ones that are clear as water on their rude behaviors, on their history of violence, aggressiveness. It's a tough job what they do, honestly. The good ones are there and the bad ones too but we cannot destroy the system itself. More like way better structure, make them accountable for their behavior, really. If we did not have police or we limit their budgets, I see chaos in the horizon. Think about it.