You made me imagine what I thought was non existent in the USA. I lived in Chicago many years, now I am in the suburban area, not a rich neighborhood lol but quiet and close to forest preserves which is what I wanted and needed. But my point is, I am a foreigner in this country since 1996 and I have been living in Chicago and a small town in Texas. But I could not imagine a place in this country where they lacked all those monopoly stores lol and I appreciate you described it. You mentioned it. You opened my eyes to something different. I come from a northern city from Mexico, border town and I grew up lacking all what Chicago has lol. We had a butcher store, we had a house-store where we could get cans of food if needed or candies. A shoe store. Nothing fancy but useful lol I mean, very limited. I was used to that and coming to Chicago was like wow !!! Thanks for your piece.